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Beauty, Hair

6 Hair Care Tips Your Hair Will Love

Weather, your environment, and nutrition are the most significant factors that have an impact not only on your skin but also on your hair. You may not notice any immediate change but you will see the results over few weeks or months. This is because your skin and hair require proper care and nutrition just like the rest of your body.

In addition to a proper diet, it is equally important to ensure constant care and proper treatment to keep your hair and skin healthy. Here are some easy-to-do yet highly effective hair and beauty tips that will change your life.

Hair Care Tips

Let us begin with some simple tips for healthy and stunning hair.

1. Wash Your Hair With Lukewarm Water

Hot showers might feel relaxing, but the adverse effect it has on your hair and scalp is definitely not what you’re looking for. Always wash your hair with lukewarm water as very hot water can strip the good oils from your hair, leaving the scalp dry and hair frizzy. Curly hair in particular gets drier after a hot shower.

2. Shampoo Your Hair Twice A Week

Shampoo is essential for hair care, but excessive use of shampoos can lead to hair loss. Shampoo your hair twice a week, paying particular attention to the scalp. The scalp is the most important part of the process as it produces oils and needs a deep clean. Use a good quality shampoo that is suited to your hair whether for straight locks or shampoo for curly hair.

3. Condition Your Hair Properly

Conditioners are not new. You probably know that using conditioner is important, but do you know the right way to apply conditioner? Instead of applying a conditioner to the roots, start applying it to the top of your hair and then distribute it through your hair with a wide-tooth comb. If you have curly hair, you can apply a conditioner to roots to make your hair more manageable, otherwise avoid the scalp area when applying conditioner.

4. Leave-in Hair Products Can Do Wonders

Washing your hair with shampoo and conditioner is not enough. If you love your hair, you have to go the extra mile for the best results. Using leave-in hair conditioners or hair masks once a week or so can do wonders for your hair.

5. Thermal Hair Treatments

Thermal hair treatments are effective, but not always budget-friendly. These treatments help your hair absorb the essential nutrients from your masks and conditioners. To get the magical thermal effect at home within your budget, you could use a thermal cap on your hair after a shower. Thermal caps provide the required heat to your hair within 20 t0 25 minutes without burning your hair.

6. Protection Of Hair Before Styling

You might not realize the damage you do to your hair while styling it. Whenever you straighten your hair, you change the natural pattern of your hair by applying heat which slightly or in some cases completely burns your hair, making it dull and dry. For that reason, avoid using too much heat on your hair and go for natural hair masks and gels for styling. If you do use heat on your hair, apply a heat protection serum to your hair before using a styling tool to mitigate the damage.

A consistent routine, rather than occasional treatments, will help you to achieve strong hair. Establish a daily routine that incorporates these hair tips and you’re sure to see results with minimal effort! #loveyourhair

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