Pink lipstick lips.
Beauty, Skin Care

Bye Bye Chapped Lips

Tips for your Lips

Do you know that lips lack the oil glands necessary to keep their thin, delicate skin moisturized, which can quickly lead to dryness, cracks, and redness? Once your lips become chapped, it’s pretty much impossible to ignore them.

And when that delicate skin becomes compromised, your lips just get worse as it gets colder outside, and the air gets drier. Don’t let fall and winter be such a bummer!

If you’re suffering from dry, flaky, or even painfully chapped lips, here are a few natural ways to heal them and keep them moisturized.

1. Gently exfoliate

It is super simple—and tasty—to do a lip exfoliation. You can go crazy making lip scrubs using fun flavours like peppermint or vanilla, but a simple combo of oil and sugar, plus a dash of honey, will do the trick.

2. Repair overnight

Follow up the exfoliation with a simple overnight lip repair mask. Once those dry, dead layers are gently exfoliated, your lips will be primed for maximum absorption of moisture.

3. Soothe cracks with vitamin E

If your lips are starting to get cracked and painful, open up a vitamin E capsule and put a little of the gel right on the problem spots (this works well for the corners of your mouth, too). Layer it over homemade lip balm or coconut oil to heal overnight.

4. Protect lips from the sun

No matter the season, sun exposure will dry out your lips. And no joke, sunburns on the lips are super painful and can lead to lots of miserable peeling. So when you’re putting on your daily sunscreen, don’t forget to protect your lips.

5. Hydrate from the inside

I was the person who hated hearing everyone preach about drinking more water until I actually started doing it. And for me, the biggest benefit of drinking at least 32 ounces a day (with the goal of 64 ounces) was that I could finally break my lip balm addiction. That’s because I was no longer constantly licking my dry lips!

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